Precipitation totals near me
Precipitation totals near me

precipitation totals near me

We plan to make that information available here for our community too. Tonight 49° Mostly Cloudy Precip: 0&percnt Tomorrow 69°. The data will allow the SRFD to identify potential wildfire threats within the city limits and be better prepared. 24-Hour Observed Precipitation Data Search by city or zip code. During the September 2022 heat event, the RAWS was placed in the upper elevations of Fountaingrove and firefighters were able to monitor the drastic differences in temperature, wind and humidity in the hills of Santa Rosa versus our valley floor.

precipitation totals near me


The sixth RAWS is a portable station and can be deployed around the city as needed. Data about the amount of rainfall recorded during the 36 hours before 9am each day, along with recently recorded hourly and daily rainfall totals and a running. The information will provide the Fire Department and our Emergency Management team better situational awareness year-round, including fire season and winter storms. Five of stations have been strategically placed around the city on Fire and Water Department properties and will monitor local weather conditions. The Santa Rosa Fire Department (SRFD) received grant funding through FEMA and CAL OES to purchase six Remote Automatic Weather Stations (RAWS). After crossing over the Florida peninsula, where it had. Coming Soon to This Page: Fire Remote Automatic Weather Stations (RAWS) Information: 28, Hurricane Ian made landfall near Cayo Costa in southwestern Florida as a dangerous, high-end Category 4 storm after plowing a path of destruction through the Caribbean, bringing particularly heavy rainfall and dangerous surf to Jamaica, the Cayman Islands, and western Cuba.

Precipitation totals near me