I borrow desk
I borrow desk

We cannot accept an interlibrary loan request for an item if the Library owns a circulating copy of the item. Can I request it through Interlibrary Services and get it quicker? There are many holds for the item I want to borrow. Most libraries will not lend an item which is less than one year old through interlibrary loan. Libraries generally prefer to keep new materials for use by their own patrons rather than sending them through interlibrary loan for use by patrons at another library. Why can't I request a book or a recording published/released for less than one year? Books published within the 12-month period before the date of your request.Nonprint materials (DVD's, CD's) released within the 12-month period before the date of your request.Scanning of more than 50 pages from a single item.Scans of entire items protected by copyright.Items for which there is a circulating copy in our collection.What cannot be borrowed through Interlibrary Services? Copies of articles or portions of books.Books which are only available at NYPL as non-circulating research copies.Books, recordings, microfilm not owned by NYPL.What can I request through Interlibrary Services? If you have a temporary Library card, you must acquire a permanent card before placing a request. If you owe the Library more than $100 in fees, you must pay the fees before placing a request. Interlibrary Services are available to all New York Public Library cardholders. Is there a charge for libraries to borrow an item or order a copy from NYPL? >.How can other libraries request a scan/copy of an article or material owned by NYPL? >.

i borrow desk

  • How can other libraries submit a request to borrow an item owned by NYPL? >.
  • Can I speak to someone for further assistance? >.
  • I know that the item I requested is held at another library.
  • Why does the status in my account still say In Transit? >
  • Where can I return my Interlibrary Services item(s)? >.
  • Can I renew my Interlibrary Services materials? >.
  • How long can I use materials received through Interlibrary Services? >.
  • Will you scan the entire book and send it to my email address? >
  • How will I know when to pick up my item? >.
  • Where will the items I request be delivered? >.
  • What is the meaning of the status message in my ILLiad account? >.
  • How can I find the status of a request I placed? >.
  • Is there a charge for Interlibrary Services? >.
  • Can I request a copy through Interlibrary Services? >
  • There is a copy of the book I want in the research collection, but I need to take it home.
  • Can I request it here and get it more quickly? >
  • There are too many holds for the item I want to borrow.
  • Why can't I request a book or a recording published/released for less than one year? >.
  • What cannot be borrowed through Interlibrary Services? >.
  • What can I request through Interlibrary Services? >.
  • i borrow desk

    SSR is directly enforced when triggered till end of next trading day. The Short Sale Restriction circuit breaker is triggered when price drops 10% below previous day close price.

    i borrow desk

    Data is provided by SEC and updated when available. We switched short data to solely Finra from that date. Note: Starting August 26 our source stopped reporting data. Dark pool percentage shows trading volume through Dark Pools. Short Exempt Volume are the amount of short sales exempted from the uptick rule. Short percentage is the amount of volume shorted. more info DateĬall/Put contract In The Money (ITM). ETF Availability is a sum of the main ETF's with GME exposure. Overview of borrowed shares availability.

    I borrow desk